require "strophe" local tostring = tostring local type = type local setmetatable = setmetatable local getmetatable = getmetatable local pairs = pairs local strophe = strophe; local newproxy = newproxy; local table_insert = table.insert; module("verse", package.seeall) ------------ Stanza Management ------------ local stanza_mt = {}; local log_level = strophe.XMPP_LEVEL_WARN; local log_handler = nil; -- Default handler strophe.xmpp_initialize() local ctx; do local print = print; ctx = strophe.xmpp_ctx_new(nil, strophe.xmpp_log_handler_new(function(level, area, msg) return (log_handler and loghandler())or (level >= (log_level or 0) and print("LOG:", level, area, msg)); end)); end print = function (...) strophe.xmpp_info(ctx, "verse", table.concat({...}, " ")); end function set_log_level(level) if not level then log_level = strophe.XMPP_LEVEL_WARN; return; end log_level = strophe["XMPP_LEVEL_"..level:upper()] or strophe.XMPP_LEVEL_WARN; end function set_log_handler(handler) log_handler = handler; end unset_log_handler = set_log_handler; function stanza_mt:copy() return new_stanza_from_obj(strophe.xmpp_stanza_copy(self.obj)); end function stanza_mt:iq(attrs) return self + stanza("iq", attrs) end function stanza_mt:message(attrs) return self + stanza("message", attrs) end function stanza_mt:presence(attrs) return self + stanza("presence", attrs) end function stanza_mt:query(xmlns) return self:tag("query", { xmlns = xmlns }); end function stanza_mt:tag(name, attrs) local s = stanza(name, attrs); (self.last_add[#self.last_add] or self):add_child(s); table_insert(self.last_add, s); return self; end function stanza_mt:text(text) local s = stanza(); s:set_text(text); (self.last_add[#self.last_add] or self):add_child(s); return self; end function stanza_mt:up() table.remove(self.last_add); return self; end function stanza_mt:add_child(child) if type(child) == "table" then --getmetatable(child.__gc).__gc = nil; --child.__gc = nil; strophe.xmpp_stanza_add_child(self.obj, child.obj); --strophe.xmpp_stanza_release(child.obj); else strophe.xmpp_stanza_add_child(self.obj, child); end end function stanza_mt:send(conn) if conn then strophe.xmpp_send(conn, self.obj); return self; else error("Connection expected as argument 1. Got nil."); end end function stanza_mt.__index(t, k) if stanza_mt[k] then return function (stanza, ...) return stanza_mt[k](stanza, ...); end elseif rawget(t, "obj") and strophe["xmpp_stanza_"..k] then return function (stanza, ...) return strophe["xmpp_stanza_"..k](stanza.obj, ...); end end end function stanza_mt.__tostring(t) if t:get_type() == strophe.XMPP_STANZA_TEXT then return t:get_text(); else return t:to_text(); end end function stanza_mt.__add(s1, s2) local s = s1:copy(); s:add_child(s2.obj) return s; end do local refcounts = {}; local stanzas = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "v" }); function new_stanza_from_obj(obj) if not obj then return nil; end local stanza = { obj = obj }; stanza.__gc = newproxy(true); getmetatable(stanza.__gc).__gc = function (s) --if refcounts[obj] and refcounts[obj] > 0 then print("Lua decided to release [["..tostring(stanza:get_data()).."]][["..tostring(stanza).."]][["..tostring(stanza.obj).."]]..."); strophe.xmpp_stanza_release(obj); refcounts[obj] = refcounts[obj] - 1; --end end; getmetatable(stanza.__gc).obj = obj; if obj then refcounts[obj] = (refcounts[obj] and refcounts[obj] + 1) or 1; end stanza.last_add = {}; stanzas[obj] = stanza; return setmetatable(stanza, stanza_mt); end end function stanza(name, attrs) local stanza = {}; stanza = new_stanza_from_obj(strophe.xmpp_stanza_new(ctx)); if type(name) == "string" then stanza:set_name(name); end if type(attrs) == "table" then for k, v in pairs(attrs) do stanza:set_attribute(k, v); end end return stanza; end function message(attr, body) if not body then return stanza("message", attr); else return stanza("message", attr):tag("body"):text(body); end end function iq(attr) if attr and not then = new_id(); end return stanza("iq", attr or { id = new_id() }); end function presence(attr) return stanza("presence", attr); end function text(text) local s = stanza(); s:set_text(text); return s; end function stanza_mt:children() local iter = function (root_stanza, curr_stanza) if not curr_stanza then return new_stanza_from_obj(root_stanza:get_children()); end return new_stanza_from_obj(curr_stanza:get_next()); end; return iter, self; end function stanza_mt:run_xpath(xpath) local ret = strophe.xmpp_stanza_run_xpath(self.obj, xpath, nil); if not ret then return; end return new_stanza_from_obj(ret); end do local id = 0; function new_id() id = id + 1; return "s"; end end ------------- Protocol Management -------------- protocols = {}; setmetatable(_G, { __index = protocols }); function add_protocol(conn, name, protocol) for event, info in pairs( do if type(info) == "table" then local criteria = info[1]; local params = {}; for k,v in pairs(info) do if type(v) == "string" then params[k] = v; end end if (not criteria[1]) then local f = function (conn, stanza, data) print("Handler for ", name.."/"..event.." called"); local t = {}; t.from = strophe.xmpp_stanza_get_attribute(stanza, "from"); t.type = strophe.xmpp_stanza_get_attribute(stanza, "type"); = strophe.xmpp_stanza_get_attribute(stanza, "to"); for param, xpath in pairs(params) do local results = strophe.xmpp_stanza_run_xpath(stanza, xpath, nil) if results then local result = strophe.xmpp_stanza_get_children(results); if strophe.xmpp_stanza_get_type(result) == strophe.XMPP_STANZA_TEXT then t[param] = strophe.xmpp_stanza_get_text(result); else t[param] = new_stanza_from_obj(result); strophe.xmpp_stanza_clone(result); end strophe.xmpp_stanza_release(results); end end return not verse.fire_event(name, event, { conn = conn, stanza = new_stanza_from_obj(stanza), params = params }, t); end strophe.xmpp_handler_add(conn, f, criteria.xmlns,, criteria.type); else -- We are just a post-processor local f = function (e, p) for k, v in pairs(criteria) do if type(k) == "string" and tostring(p[k]) ~= tostring(criteria[k]) then print("###", tostring(p[k]).." ~= "..tostring(criteria[k])); return; end end local t = {}; for k, v in pairs(p) do t[k] = v; end for param, xpath in pairs(params) do local results = strophe.xmpp_stanza_run_xpath(e.stanza, xpath, nil) if results then local result = strophe.xmpp_stanza_get_children(results); if strophe.xmpp_stanza_get_type(result) == strophe.XMPP_STANZA_TEXT then t[param] = strophe.xmpp_stanza_get_text(result); else t[param] = new_stanza_from_obj(result); strophe.xmpp_stanza_clone(result); end strophe.xmpp_stanza_release(results); end end return not verse.fire_event(name, event, e, t); end hook_event(criteria[1], criteria[2], f); end end end end ------------ Events/hooks Management ------------- do local hooks = {}; function fire_event(proto, event, data1, data2) print("**** Firing event:", proto, event); if hooks[proto] and hooks[proto][event] then for _, handler in ipairs(hooks[proto][event]) do local success, message = pcall(handler, data1, data2); if not success then print("ERROR: ", tostring(proto), tostring(event), tostring(message)); end end end end function hook_event(proto, event, handler) hooks[proto] = hooks[proto] or {}; hooks[proto][event] = hooks[proto][event] or {}; table_insert(hooks[proto][event], handler); return handler; end end -------- Connection management ------------ function connect(jid, pass, handler, server) if not jid and pass and handler then error("Please supply a jid, password and handler function", 1); end if not ctx then error("There was an error initialising the XMPP library"); end local conn = strophe.xmpp_conn_new(ctx) if not conn then error("There was an error initialising the connection"); end strophe.xmpp_conn_set_jid(conn, jid) strophe.xmpp_conn_set_pass(conn, pass) strophe.xmpp_connect_client(conn, server or jid:match("^[^@]+@([^/]+)"), 5222, strophe.xmpp_conn_handler_new(handler or function () end)); for name, proto in pairs(protocols) do print("Adding protocol extension:", tostring(name)); add_protocol(conn, name, proto); end return conn; end function run(time) if time then strophe.xmpp_run_once(ctx, time); else strophe.xmpp_run(ctx); end end